Over the years Animated Objects have produced a number of large scale productions, involving thousands of participants; spanning different generations and communities; and working in collaboration with local authorities and other delivery partners.
We pride ourselves on the inclusive nature of our work, and in bringing exciting and inspirational events to audiences in their own community settings.
Below is a small selection of images from our work. There's far too many to put on a single website - so please check out our socials @animatedobjects to take a look through some of our most recent projects:
We pride ourselves on the inclusive nature of our work, and in bringing exciting and inspirational events to audiences in their own community settings.
Below is a small selection of images from our work. There's far too many to put on a single website - so please check out our socials @animatedobjects to take a look through some of our most recent projects:
Moonlight on the Lake 2024
Scarborough Community Lantern Parade
The Odyssey - An Epic Adventure on the Yorkshire Coast
The Trojan Horse - a record breaking community sculpture
Aura's Odyssey - A community partnership with Creative Crawley
The Armed Forces Day National Event and memorials in different towns
Orpheus the Mariner
Some of our pals came from Leicester to see @orpheusmariner and have just declared that they're moving to Scarborough :-)
The Song of Leviathan
Massive congratulations for the huge success…extremely positive comments from colleagues and businesses.
Janet Deacon, WTY Area Director North Yorkshire
Lantern Parade Events
Took my grandson to his first lantern parade this evening. Amazing attendance to support the hard work, talent and dedication of this company.
J Richardson
Land Art Installations for the Tour de Yorkshire
⌗thebigpicture ⌗landart is looking brilliant in its final destination at Scarborough castle!
Scarborough Borough Council
Wayfarer - a giant explorer
Completely loved watching an entire primary school perform 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and 'Hamlet' today. This is exactly what i want my kids eductation to be like. Thanks SO MUCH.
Laura Outhart